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Publisher: DC
Title: Adventures of Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.95 USD; 3.95 CAD; 1.20 GBP
Cover Date: April 1993
Country: United States
After suffering a heart attack, Jonathan's spirit joins Clark's in the astral plane. Jonathan must get Clark to clear his head, or else he might end up in Blaze's domain... forever.; In the midst of a battle between rival gangs, John Henry Irons rises from the rubble of the battle between Superman and Doomsday.; A guy tries to hijack a car, and is pursued by the cold Last Son of Krypton.; Superboy escapes from Cadmus with the help of the Newsboy Legion.; Superman returns to Metropolis, but portions of his body have been replaced with cybernetic parts.