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Publisher: DC
Title: All-Star Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1941
Country: United States
The Flash heads to manufacturing centers in Michigan and Wisconsin to put a stop to insideous work stoppages brought about by a group known as the Grey Shirts, who work for a mastermind named Fritz Klaver, who lives in Toledo, Ohio. The Scarlet Speedster destroys a source of their propaganda materials and prevents work stoppages and prevents the ship "Liberty" from being blown up with all on baord.; Green Lantern and Irene Miller investigate radio transmission interruptions, believed to be caused by foreign agents. Irene is captured and held aboard a giant dirigible, containing a mchine that jams radio frequencies and hinders reception, and which is commanded by a man known as the Baron. G.L. attacks the dirigible and flies away with Irene and a fatally wounded Krapek with him, as the dirigible bursts into flames and burns.; The Grim Ghost travels to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to investigate the sabotage of munitions factories there, and cathes a Fifth Colunist worker sabotaging gun barrels with steel wool. He is rescued by his buddies, but shot for failing. The Spectre discovers future plots to blow up a factory and steal the Army's new gun plans, and makes sure each fail. Suddenly he is drawn into the occult world where brilliantly colored rays seek to destroy him. But he uses the Ring of Life to overcome them.; The Flying Fury travels to California to prevent spies from stealing the designs of a new speedy plane being developed at an aviation plant called the Flying Fortress. Adter its pilots are gassed, Hawk saves the plane and crew. Meanwhile, Shiera decides to visit California and jumps from a plane, hoping Hawkman will save her. He does, and while she does research on the strange gas used on the pilots, Hawkman rounds up the spies.; Hour-Man heads for Oklahoma to disrupt the plans of a Captain Erdner, who is planning to dynamite all oil wells within that state. Rex is hired on at one of the oil field facilities where four guards have been found murdered. Aware he is being set up by the Grey Shirts, Tyler switches to Hour-Man, pops a Miraclo pill, and rounds up the villains and saves a well from destruction.; Dr. Fate is ordered to New England to look for sabotage at the naval yards along the Atlantic Seaboard, sending out a Cloud of Darkness to seek out evil. And find it it dies, aboard fishing smacks with Grey Shirts on board, whom Fate overcomes. When they refuse to talk, he summons up horrible beasts from the deep to "convince" them to tell all they know. Fate then sends out his Cloud of Darkness to summon the FBI to take them into custody, then Fate consults his crystal to learn the identity of the leader of the villains before warning Sandman and the Flash about Klaver.; Sandman heads for El Paso to help out the editor of a newspaper there, who has been receiving threats because he dares write editorials criticizing dictator nations. Wes Dodds first of all impresses young American recruits of the Grey Shirts that they are being a line of baloney when their leaders try to convince them to overthrow America from the inside. Sandman leads the redeemed Grey Shirts to stop the villains trying to destroy the newspaper.; Atom heads for Tri-State College to prevent foreign students, being sent there by enemy nations, from indoctrinating American students. He breaks up attempts of beating up college students, but the enemy devises new ways of indoctrination, including the use of the Grey Shirts to beat up Al Pratt. Atom takes care of them and makes his way to Toledo, coming face to face with Fritz Klaver.; The JSA closes in on Fritz Klaver, who threatens to blow up everyone rather than be captured. But the JSA overpowers the Grey Shirts while Dr. Fate's occult powers halt Klaver i his tracks. Later, the JSA reports to the FBI Chief that their assignments have been successfully completed.; The FBI Chief has called the members of the JSA together in order to battle America's internal enemies: spies and saboteurs. Newspapers are being threatened, munition plants wrecked, defense secrets stolen, foreign college teachers preaching anti-democracy and strong-arm tactics being used by these groups. The JSA is to stamp these out!