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Publisher: DC
Title: Batman
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1946
Country: United States
Seeing both of his parents killed in an earthquake on a small Pacific island, Dorry Leaf becomes an expert on these phenomnia, and is offered a post at Pacific Coast University to oversee a seismographic observatory that he is determined to make quake-proof! However, crooks become interested when they discover that the Professor can predict in advance where quakes will occur, and the Looters, as they are known, hope to cash in on that knowledge.; Mobsters decide to use the Penguin as a ruse for Batman and Robin to follow while they commit crimes.; Jim Jocelyn's thieving cousins have a high time spending the money that their uncle had ammassed for charities by using it to build up their own multi-million dollar businesses. They decide that the only way they can safeguard themselves is to murder their uncle!