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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Deadpool
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: October 2009
UPC: 75960606407601611
Country: United States
Deadpool makes a bid to join the X-Men on Utopia and Cyclops turns him down flat. Dagger takes up DP's cause and, after Wolvie convinces him that the merc needs to be watched, Cyke sends Domino to keep tabs on 'Pool. After a sound beating and a round of pancakes with Domino, Deadpool is given probationary status as an X-Man and dons his home made costume. Much to Cyclops' chagrin, DP decides to prove his worth to his new team by killing Mercury's father who is publicly demanding his daughter be released from Utopia.