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Publisher: Whatnot
Title: Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer
Page Count: 32
Genre: Adventure, Mature
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 79.99
Cover Date: January 2025
UPC: 72355236065001151
Country: United States
MASSIVE SELECT: John Broglia (Image, Darkhorse) teams up with Winston Chan (IDW, Transformers) to deliver an epic homage to the legendary Jack Kirby with another American Icon punching out Hitler! This fan-favorite cover gets a Metal edition for the first time. Django Unchained meets Buffy The Vampire Slayer in David Crownson's Harriet Tubman : Demon Slayer, a supernatural comic series based on the true life of the freedom fighter herself that is flavored with genre liberties in the spirit of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Soon to be an original series on Disney+! When slave owners can't stop the formidable ninja warrior Harriet Tubman, they call on the help of Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and Demons to stop her. Harriet Tubman must lead a family of slaves to freedom while battling an army of darkness.