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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Heathcliff
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD; 1.25 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: April 1988
Country: United States
While playing Army, nurse Marcy wraps Heathcliff in bandages. The kids go inside to eat, but Heathcliff wanders blindly down the street, ending up a in a moving van transporting Egyptian artifacts. At the Westfinster Museum, Heathcliff is believed to be the mummy of Rama-Bo.; Dr. Ominous has been captured, so Top Dog can return to the Jordan household. When he gets there he finds a French family living there. The son hears Top Dog talk and thinks he's an E.L.F (Extraterrestrial Life Form). No one believes him. Top Dog finds the family is only living there temporarily, and the Jordans are returning that day.; Grandpa takes Iggy and Heathcliff to the big football game, where Heathcliff is the mascot for the Tigers. With a minute to play, Heathcliff enters the game and scores the winning touchdown.