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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 5.99 USD
Cover Date: April 2016
UPC: 76194130593605011
Country: United States
The League fights Grail and Steve Trevor, now possessed by the Anti-Life Equation. Superwoman uses her newborn, son of Alexander Luthor, to begin to siphon the god-powers out of the Leaguers, but is incinerated by Grail, who completes the job, turning the infant into Darkseid. Unleashing her rage, Grail strikes Darkseid, driving the Anti-Life out of him. In the aftermath, Jessica Cruz is revived a Green Lantern, Grail tends to Superwoman's infant, Luthor returns to Apokolips, Batman reveals what the Mobius chair told him about the Joker, and Wonder Woman learns a long-held secret.