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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: July 1967
Country: United States
As Namor battles It, torpedoes from the submarine cause an avalanche, trapping It. Namor turns on the submarine and begins to punch holes in it. It (the creature) returns and they battle, further damaging the submarine and (apparently) killing It. The submarine leaves (with the carcass of It) while Namor breaks off, feeling weakness overwhelm him. Namor makes it back to Atlantis where the advanced medicine saves his life from a massive dose of radiation. Improving, he vows to summon a council of War!; Having 'caught' the Silver Surfer (believing him to be an alien starship), Hulk starts a fight with perhaps the only being on Earth stronger than Hulk is. The Surfer, irritated, knocks him out, then probes Hulk to discover the reason for his belligerence and discovers the damage done by the gamma radiation. Just as the Surfer prepares to reverse the damage and return Dr. Banner's life, Hulk wakes up and, seeing the action as an attack, lashes out. Disgusted, the Surfer leaves while Hulk vows to find the Surfer again and force him to take Hulk to the stars.