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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: August 2009
Country: United States
Peter wakes up the day after Aunt May's wedding to find he has gone to bed with his roommate, Michele. When he admits that he can't remember what happened, Michele flips out and kicks him out of the apartment. Peter wanders around town trying to find a new place to stay but has to take time out as Spidey to rescue people from a fire in the Empire State Building which began with a strange electrical surge. Peter tries to keep a date he made with MJ at the wedding but she oversleeps and stands him up for once. Pete returns home to find Michele has baked him cookies as a make up gift.; Jessica lets Spidey know what an inspiration he has been to her over the years. Peter tells her he thinks she should go back to being a costumed hero.