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Publisher: DC
Title: The Spectre
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.75 USD
Cover Date: April 1994
Country: United States
In New York City, Azmodus manipulates the tensions between an orthodox Jewish sect and the surrounding African-American community. When Rabbi Jacob Schulman is acquitted of vehicular manslaughter, the father of the dead boy, Randolph Reynolds, incites a riot. The Spectre intervenes, but does not condemn Jacob Schulman for his actions. He ends Azmodus' role in the affair, but not before violence erupts. As he leaves, the Spectre makes Jacob Schulman and Randolph Reynolds feel each other's grief. Concerned about what happened in Vlatava, President William J. Clinton asks Professor Nicodemus Hazzard to find a way of either controlling or killing the Spectre.