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Publisher: IPC
Title: 2000 AD
Page Count: 32
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.09 GBP
Cover Date: February 1978
Country: United Kingdom
Dave Paton damages Elvis's responsibility circuits and the car goes on the rampage, killing Paton, among others. Dredd and his men track Elvis down to a Parking Tower only to find Elvis has messed with the circuits of the other cars and now has a gang of like-minded motors behind him.; Sharpe sends some heavies to track Probe down in New York. He is on the skids and losing his powers but still puts up a fight. Eventually they overcome him and take him Back. Sharpe has him cleaned up and makes it clear he owns Probe, body and soul. Probe plays along as he is only interested in getting even.; Missing submarine Drake is found in the middle of a South American village, miles from the sea. When Hunter and the Prof arrive they discover the alien being responsible, and it promptly destroys their gunships. As they observe from cover, a huge spaceship just drops from the sky.; Louis has partly reassembled the android Pearly, and gets a lead on who built her before she finally overloads. Next night the team's Hover-Liner has an apron-blowout as they travel to a game in Long Island.; Horoscope-obsessed actor McKinnon flees America after a computer predicts he will die on Fifth Avenue. The actor meets his fate, however, on a sound-stage in London done up to look like Fifth Avenue.; Dare's Doppelganger changes the Ship's destination. Dare comes out of hiding and zaps the alien. Autopsy shows it to have been some kind of organic vegetable matter. The ship then arrives at its new destination.; On the run Walter gets mugged.