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Publisher: Penguin Random House
Title: 5 Worlds
Page Count: 260
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 12.99 USD; 16.99 CAD
Cover Date: May 2017
UPC: 978110193588051299
ISBN: 978-1-101-93588-0
Country: United States
An Tzu and Fern smuggle food to the people of their neighborhood. Oona prepares to leave the planet, but the Toki attack, taking advantage of distraction from the Starball game. They begin by knocking out the Red Grid that powers all vehicles, machinery, and utilities on Mon Domani. In the resulting disaster, Starball hero Jax Amboy loses an arm.; With An Tzu and Jax Amboy running interference, Oona lights the Beacon, only to discover that the enemy Commander Zayd is her own missing sister Jessa.; When they reach the relative safety of Cat Island, Meadow warns Oona about the dangers of the Mimic, and teaches her to let the sand control her, rather than trying to control the sand.; Oona meets Vector, who is Plumb's hope to light the Beacon, even though he is (shockingly) from the lower-class Toki people. But his skills are not up to the task. Oona tries to decide whether to obey a cryptic summons off-planet from her sister.; Oona trains as a sand warrior, but it seems that she will never do as well as her sister who has abandoned the calling. She overhears a High Council meeting in which Dean Plumb argues that the worlds will overheat internally unless the Beacons can be relit, draining heat, but the High Council laughs off his warning.; Under attack, Vector Sanderson tries and fails to light the Beacon. The Toki carry off the leaders and teachers on Mon Domani. Oona, An Tzu, and Jax Amboy go underground.; Uncle Jep repairs Jax Amboy, imparts what knowledge he can, and sacrifices himself when the Toki attack. An Tzu and Jax Amboy rush the injured Oona to Meadow. In the healing bath, Oona reaches understanding of the sands, and becomes the Sand Warrior.; With Fern's help, the three youngsters slip off the planet secretly. They plan to take the enemy by surprise, and light the Toki Beacon.; Oona tries to slip off planet and find her sister, but suddenly recognizes that she can light the Beacon herself, guided by the sand.; Oona, An Tzu, and Jax Amboy flee the city with the help of Fern and other Vegetals. It appears that Oona is their only faint hope to light the Beacon.; The three youngsters make their way to the home of Jax Amboy's Uncle Jep, who has knowledge of the Beacons. Jep reveals that Jax Amboy is a sentient android.

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