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Publisher: DC
Title: Action Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.50 USD; 3.50 CAD
Cover Date: July 2005
UPC: 76194120001982911
Country: United States
In Superman's fortress, Green Lantern, Flash, Hawkman, and Black Canary confront Superman, who has blood on his hands. Superman tries to remember what happened, but now remembers differently the events of Superman #218. He remembers "Darkseid" kidnapping Lois, and forcing a boxing match between the two of them. After Superman wins on a technicality, "Darkseid" frees Lois from his control by killing her, which causes Superman to attack-to-kill "Darkseid". The JLA take Superman to the Watchtower, where they show him he really was attacking Batman, apparently under mind control.