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Publisher: DC
Title: Action Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: April 1972
Country: United States
Dr. Mystir uses a voodoo doll made with souvenirs of Superman to eliminate Superman's powers, one-by-one. When Luthor hears of the doll, he joins Mystir, who is actually Brainiac in disguise.; Mona discovers that her boyfriend, Bruce Gordon, is actually Eclipso. Bruce decides to meet an old friend, Judson Randall, and he finds him apparently imprisoned within a luminous blob. He allows Judson to try to cure him of Eclipso. Eclipso is released, but he is now under Judson's control.; Simon Stagg's old college roommate, Ulysses Bronson invites Simon Stagg and company to see his creation, Morality Mountain, which includes statues of three of the seven deadly sins. It will cost $1 million to finish the others and Stagg hands over a check. The group are later invited to the opening of Morality Mountain. Only Ulysses is there and he insists on showing Simon alone the exhibits. The statue of Pride has Simon's face and Ulysses plans to kill Simon. Meanwhile, Metamorpho strains to keep Sapphire and Java from a chemical soup that has filled the waiting room.; Super-Turtle helps a policeman by moving an overturned truck from Kosdanskio Street to Elm Street, which is easier to spell on his report.; A robot refuses to sit in the waiting room so its inventor decides not to patent him.