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Publisher: DC
Title: Adventure Comics
Page Count: 44
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1953
Country: United States
Clark goes swimming and hides his costume, but a boy finds it. He dons it to impress a girl, is seen as a fraud, so Superboy, in a spare suit, steers a harmless bear their way to buck up the boy's courage. Then a down-and-outer finds it and uses it for his first desperate robbery (on a jewelry store Superboy fakes), but regrets it and stays honest. A crook shows off "indestructible cloth" and sells many bolts, until Superboy makes him return the money. Superboy says the costume "made quite an impression" on three people, without "the slightest tear or stain on it!"; The cops want to nail Big Dan Drake, Czar of Crime. Green Arrow and Speedy are asked to escort a witness, but he's kidnapped. Chasing the gang, GA "misses" and breaks a window, drops a water tank, and crashes a car. Has he lost his touch? They nail the gang at the docks and rescue the witness. With no time to explain, GA spotted three traps: the room contained gas, the water tank strut was weakened, and the car was empty and a road menace. "So you didn't miss! You shot the very targets you aimed for!"; Tubby Watts photographs a newly discovered statue of Hermes... The statue whirls Tubby around. Johnny Chambers / Quick dives in, but they ride a thunderbolt to Mount Olympus. A race is needed - and cheating. Hermes turns invisible, but Johnny spins flower petals to spot him. A touch of his staff puts Johnny to sleep, but Tubby dumps ambrosia, so Johnny wakes. A sip from Lethe, the River of Forgetfulness, makes Johnny forget his magic formula until Echo repeats it. Johnny wins - and Tubby wakes up. All a dream!; Aquaman uses whales to tow an iceberg out of harm's way, but it melts and releases a giant sea serpent. He's a "goner", but the monster just wants a friend. Yet Aquaman's "new pet" keeps trapping ships and terrifying the crew, and the Navy threatens to blast it. Aquaman finally learns the creature was sniffing coal smoke and hungry for coal, so he steers it to a coal mine with "enough coal ore to keep you contented for the next thousand years!"