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Publisher: Marvel
Title: All-Winners Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1941
Country: United States
Human Torch and Toro set out to solve the murder of Jimmy Mack, part owner of an old vaudeville theatre years back, who started a fire to collect insurance money because the show was doing poorly. Unfortunately, his partner named Price was horribly burned in the fire and swore revenge. It's up to the Torch and Toro to discover the identity of the true murderer!; Captain America and Bucky crash on an island in the Pacific while escorting Colonel Carter, who is carrying some vital secret documents, to an important meeting in Singapore. Unfortunately, they are captured by a strange native tribe led by a Nazi wanting those plans!; The Nazis have captured Professor Berg and try to convince him to manufacture bombs for them that carry plague germs.; The Nazis concoct a plan to first smuggle poisoned jewelry into the United States through a legitimate department store to reek havoc amongst the population, then poison a variety of other items once people catch on to the jewelry scam.; Sub-Mariner investigates the sinkings of Allied ships by a Nazi "ghost fleet", but discovers that fleet is nothing more than a movie projected in 3-D with Polaroid lenses!; The mysteries discussed in this feature revolve around: 1) a 1932 Danish discovery of perfectly preserved bodies of a Viking man and his lady frozen in ice, then transferred to the Royal Museum in Denmark for display under refrigeration; 2) the strange sworn-to appearances of a Dr. Wescott in London on April 12, 1888 when, at the time, he was really at home suffering from a cold; and 3) short discussion on sea serpents.