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Publisher: Marvel
Title: All-Winners Comics
Page Count: 60
Genre: Detective-mystery, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1943
Country: United States
The Flaming Duo are ordered to discover what has been destroying U.S. defense plants, and they discover a monstrous Nazi boat plane called "Der-Tag", that can fly at an altitude of 60,000 feet!; Cap and Bucky must battle a gang of saboteurs that are using bowery derelicts and drugging them to set mysterious fires in New York, and blaming them on an ancient Chinese fire-god.; Tojo comes up with a brilliant plan to chloroform the water in order to render Namor harmless, then capture and send him to Tokyo, finally announcing in the media that he has been captured in order to impress the United Nations that the Japanese are indeed superior.; Arriving at Berchtesgaden, the Destroyer discovers that Hitler uses doubles in public while he wastes away of a guilty conscience!; Young Cadet Bill Cox learns that his father, who was paying for his military training, was one of the biggest bandits of all time, so he quits the academy and vows to become a crook like his father before him.; The celebrated author of an anti-Fascist nook, "Nazis in America," is murdered and all the clues lead investigators to the gardener.