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Publisher: Marvel
Title: All-Winners Comics
Page Count: 60
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1943
Country: United States
The Flaming Duo must battle the mad Bashon, a scientific genius who has invented all types of planes, tanks and machinery that he is using to level cities, all with the help of ape men that he has created from the bones of prehistoric people.; Cap and Bucky struggle to stop a Nazi Baron from using aerial torpedos on the Panama Canal.; Namor lands on the Cretan coast and discovers an airfield full of British bombers--being serviced by the Nazis for an attack on the Dardanelles, in hopes of convincing the Turks that the British are responsible.; The Destroyer saves the life of a girl carrying important papers, when the Nazis intervene and a struggle ensues to determine ownership of those papers.; The Whizzer has to prevent the Nazis from sabotaging a newly invented high explosive armor piercing artillery shell.