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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Alpha Flight
Page Count: 54
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 4.20 CAD
Cover Date: July 1998
UPC: 75960601200801211
Country: United States
Alpha Flight arrives from the microverse into a lab under attack by Zodiac. Mac leads the team into battle, causing Murmur to get badly wounded. They make a retreat in order to regroup & get separated. The team learns that Zodiac are after the Nth Projector from the lab. Zodiac escape but not after Sasquatch is killed & Gen. Clarke dies trying to contain the building's nuclear reactor. Heather's suit contains most of the heat from the reactor but, when a part fails, she must remove it before her suit fries with her in it. This is almost exactly what happened with Mac when he "died".