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Publisher: Ace Magazines
Title: Banner Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Biography, Children, Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1941
Country: United States
Captain Courageous,innocently enough, stops kids from bullying a girl and it snowballs into stopping a Nazi invasion of the United States.; Lone Warrior enlists in the U.S. Army, is stationed right by the boy's camp where his kid brother goes, and the two join forces to stop saboteurs at the Army base working for the Dictator's Shadow.; Paul Sr. runs an anti-isolationist newspaper called "America Awake", which draws the ire of a Fifth Column group called The Thorns. Paul Jr. and his friends, Patrick and Betsy, are members of a club with the same name and fight the Thorns.; Tyson Typhoon and the crew of the Sea Lion are transporting a scientist who enemy agents want to kill.; Ned and Kay are asked by the American Consul in Mexico City to return diamonds to Brazil, but gangsters have other plans.; Capsule biography of Captain Jack Knight.