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Publisher: Western
Title: Battle of the Planets
Page Count: 36
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.40 USD
Cover Date: August 1979
UPC: 0335009030408
Country: United States
Dr. Conrad comes upon two men frozen in the ice. They were placed there by Zoltar to sabotage earth's polar security base after they are unfrozen. While G-Force is fighting them Zoltar attacks in a giant snowman robot. The robot is defeated when the Phoenix transmutes into the Firebird and melts the controls but Zoltar gets away.; When a giant torch creature attacks a small village in India G-Force comes to their rescue, however, the creature just absorbs their ammunition. Since weapons can't harm the creature they follow it to find it's weakness. While searching the mountain where it hides Princess is kidnapped and G-Force finds out that Zoltar is behind the creature. After they rescue Princess they perform Operation Whirlwind and cause an avalanche of snow and ice that defeats the creature.