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Publisher: Archie
Title: Betty and Veronica
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.19 USD; 2.59 CAD
Cover Date: February 2005
UPC: 76281646748320511
Country: United States
Veronica feels her appearance has been marred, disfigured and ruined... because she broke a fingernail.; Betty and Veronica go to an expensive department store Bon Bon for shoe shopping. The sales women all fawn over Betty because they think she is the mystery shopper.; Betty and Veronica wonder what they have in common besides Archie. Archie wants to finally choose between Betty and Veronica.; On a cold winter night Betty and Veronica fantasize about warmer climates.; Veronica gives her opinion on whether a fashion is "in or out" to a fashion magazine.