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Publisher: Harvey
Title: Black Cat Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1954
Country: United States
While fishing during a storm Johnny throws Hilton overboard because he had been stealing money from the firm. Unfortunately the storm gets worse and Johnny has to jump overboard with a lifejacket on. Eventually they both get to a very small island. Johnny is asleep when a sleeping Hilton washes up on the shore by him. When Johnny wakes up he tries to throw Hilton into the sea but he keeps washing back up. He then buries him but decides to dig him up, tie a rock around his neck, and throw him into the ocean. Unfortunately, no one comes by to rescue Johnny and he gets very lonely.; A prison guard comes to get Henri Fabret and leads him to the guillotine. Henri is very excited because he loves to see blood. He loved it as a child, he loved the war because he got to see blood and he loved to watch boxing because of the blood. He had a girl he liked but when she cut her finger he got so excited that he killed her. Now, he is needed at the guillotine.