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Publisher: Star Publications
Title: Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1952
Country: United States
Carol has dreams of her dead brother Harry, who pleads with her to come to his grave so he can be released from Death. She goes to his grave at night only to realize she was being contacted by his deceased enemy Angus Grund who then escapes from the grave.; Hector Thorg, an evil and paranoid hunchback, lives with his wealthy good looking brother in a huge mansion. He kills his brother so he can inherit the estate by leading him into the dreaded "Black Room", a sealed off room with a huge guillotine and pit inside that was used by the mansion's original owner for executions. Afterwards he begins luring guests one by one into the room thinking they are going to expose him. The law are onto him and swarm the mansion trapping him in the room and sealing it off. Centuries later his ghost roams the mansion preying on any who enter the home.; A reporter and some scientists encounter a shape shifting ogre-like creature guarding an Indian burial ground in Alaska.; A man gets trapped inside some ancient catacombs in Rome, and is attacked by a pack of feral beast men.