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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.75 USD; 0.95 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: October 1988
Country: United States
John Walker is sanctioned for killing the Watchdogs who gunned down his parents and suspended from his role as Captain America. The head of the Commission, wants him reinstated and thrown back into action immediately. Freedom Force sets a trap for the pro-mutant group calling themselves the Resistants. At a mock trial for Quicksilver (really Mystique), the Resistants attack but their newest member, the former Mentallo, informs them it is a set up. When a battle ensues between the two groups, Cap intervenes and, driven over the edge by the death of his parents, brutally takes down the mutants.