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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.25 USD; 1.50 CAD; 0.85 GBP
Cover Date: September 1992
Country: United States
Cap is a werewolf and has to take on Dredmund who has used the Moonstone to turn himself into the cosmically powerful Starwolf. Wolverine and Moonhunter break Nightshade's control over them and give her a dose of her own medicine. Cable shows up in the werewolf city and helps Cap and Wolvie defeat the Starwolf.; Crossbones tries to use Diamondback and Cap's super soldier laced blood to worm his way back into a job with the Skull. Cutthroat reveals his identity to his sister, Diamondback.