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Publisher: Temerson / Helnit / Continental
Title: Cat-Man Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Adventure, Biography, Humor, Superhero, War
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1944
Country: United States
A jury acquits Moroni despite the evidence, but the David Merrywether tells him outside the courthouse that he's marked, and the Cat-Man and Kitten make good on that threat!; Escapees from a Japanese POW camp dress as American cowboys in order to attack and secure Carlyte, a new super explosive created by Wilferd Carson.; The Deacon suspects a hypnotist who's giving a show in town, but when he gets hypnotized himself it's up to Mickey to save the day!; The death of a young girl in the back of his cab leads Matty, a.k.a. the Reckoner, to investigate, and he discovers that she and her father have been kidnapped in order to obtain the man's rare stamp collection.; Mickey, Katie and other students join the Fencing Club run by new teacher Mr. Schaeffer, but he turns out to be a jewel thief hiding out from his fellow criminals.; The story of how "Speedy" Powell got a plane of a type he'd never flown before through a battle after the pilot was hit.; A cautionary tale about how Japanese shells being made from American metal sold to Japan years before.