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Publisher: Manuscript Press
Title: Comics Revue
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Humor, Jungle, Science Fiction, Western-frontier
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 6.95 USD
Cover Date: February 2006
Country: United States
While in Italy, Modesty is drugged and taken to a villa in Capri, where she falls under the influence of an old foe from her days as head of 'The Network'. Although she is presumed dead by the authorities, Willie Garvin suspects there's more to Modesty's disappearance than meets the eye. With British agent Maude Tiller in tow, he heads to Rome to do some investigating of his own.; Steve and Thumbs are sent to a neutral country to investigate reports of a monk named Hogan, found frozen, and close to death, in the mountains near the Chinese border. Could this be Steve's friend Doagie Hogan, who was imprisoned in a communist prison some years before?; Flash rescues a mysterious woman from a crash site, not knowing she's a alien agent trying to steal Plutonium from the atom plant.; Jessie destroys the dams on her land, letting the rivers flow again, bring water back to the town. Meanwhile Hipshot chases Curly, Dallas and Spade out of town, and Crazy Quit once again tries to woo Moonglow.; Buz takes the experimental plane 'The Sky Witch' for a test flight, but a malfunction nearly takes his life.; Slim and Clovia finally find out where Lil is getting her money from - poker hustling!; Ooola's plans to make Alley Oop jealous by flirting with Foozy begin to backfire.; Lothar approaches Dr. Congo and hires him to take care of Mandrake, so that the magician can find out how the the fake witch-doctor works his schemes.; Tarzan takes his son to Tembo-Haven, in order to find a cure for the rapid aging that has afflicted Korak.; Caught in a surprise raid, Casey and Kit track their attackers to a fort. While Casey scouts around, Kit is left to watch the horses. But Kit falls asleep...