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Publisher: DC
Title: Crisis on Infinite Earths
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.25 USD; 1.60 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: November 1985
Country: United States
The final battle between the Antimonitor and the heroes begins on 2 fronts: one on Earth, the other in the Antimatter universe. After great loss and suffering on both fronts, Superman [Earth-2] delivers the final blow to the Antimonitor and goes into a limbo alongside Superboy Prime, his wife Lois Lane Kent [Earth-2], and Alex Luthor Jr. never to be seen again for a long time. The only other person left to ever remember how the multiverse truly once existed as it did is Psycho Pirate [Roger Hayden], besides Pariah, Harbinger, and Lady Qwark.