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Publisher: DC
Title: Crisis on Infinite Earths
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.75 USD; 0.95 CAD; 0.35 GBP
Cover Date: May 1985
Country: United States
The Antimonitor uses Psycho Pirate (whom he captured in issue 3) to control the last 3 known surviving earths' heroes: 4 (Charlton comics characters), S (Marvel family), and X (Freedom fighters), as he begins to destroy their universes while the other earths' heroes from 1 and 2 warn them about the antimatter attack. Alex Luthor Jr. nearly sacrifices his unique matter/antimatter energies to transport all 3 universes into limbo alongside Earths 1 and 2, but Harbinger stops him and uses her powers instead. All fades to black and white as we then see all 5 earths and their universes now in limbo.