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Publisher: Lev Gleason
Title: Daredevil Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Sports, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1941
Country: United States
Forty years after he and his partner discovered the tomb of Princess Sheba, Dr. Pierce, knowing the Princess was buried alive, discovers a secret hidden inside the golden cobra buried with her: a serum which can bring her back to life!; After leaving work, Jean Rogers reads in the paper that her brother Dick is missing after an entire trainload of men enroute for Army maneuvers has vanished. Meanwhile, President Roosevelt receives a letter from the Claw stating that he has those men held prisoner, and unless the President grants trhe Claw full control of the nation's gold supply, the men await a horrible fate!; A prisoner of a concentration camp, Franz escapes with the help of Dian and makes his way to London, where he is greeted and lauded by the Prime Minister himself. However, Marc smells a rat.....and that rat turns out to be Franz himself, who kidnaps Churchill and is in the process of taking him to see Hitler himself when he is stopped by Holmes!; Terry Turner is taking on an inhuman brute named Jean Jacques for the heavyweight championship, and learns that two swindlers, who tricked his Dad into signing some papers, are asking Terry to take a dive in the fight, or else his Dad will go up the river.; Unscrupulous renegade Scar Thornton fills the Indians with liquor and fleeces them of their money on crooked games of chance. When the Chief of the tribe appears and tells all of his tribal members to go home, Scar takes offense and vows to kill the Indian.; Pat is fire from her job at the Mallison Airplane Plant by a less than friendly foreman, and appears in a play later that evening, garbed in a rather patriotic costume. Later, when she discovers that her former foreman is smuggling airplane engines to the enemy, she steps forward to stop his activities.; Two unscrupulous miners, having discovered a vein of pitchblend (or radium), have their find confirmed by scientist, Hugh Goddard. But when Hugh suggests turning the discovery over to the Cancer Cure Foundation, the greedy miners club Hugh and depart with their discovery, leaving Goddard abandoned in the Alaska wilderness with little hope of survival.; The Pioneer hears a crash and discovers a wrecked car with injured men at the bottom of a gorge. He nurses them back to health, not realizing that they are escaped killers!; The baseball team at Hale University is doing poorly and Coach Taylor is in danger of losing his job. However, his daughter suggests to Dash Dillon that he join the team since he is such a great pitcher and hitter.......and his talents may be enough to turn things around and save her Dad's job.