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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Daring Mystery Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Jungle, Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1940
Country: United States
Scientist and inventor, Dr. Morrison Jones, died before his rocketship could be completed so that he could realize his dream of making the first trip to the planet Mars. His son Zephyr, however, vows to live out his father's dream!; Reporter Allen Lewis is baffled by the death of a wealthy man who clutches a feather in his hand, but soon learns of a mysterious race of "bird-men" that seemed to be involved. Given the secret for a gun that shoots ice pellets by a soon-to-be murdered scientist, Lewis adopts a costumed identity to track down the bird-men at any cost.; Trojak, raised in the jungle by a native tribe after his father was killed by hostiles, is encouraged to find his own people and leave the jungle. However, he discovers that the ways of his people are not to his liking, and returns to the jungle to fight off hostile savages attempting to kill a girl who has be-friended him.; Captain K-4 is assigned to assume the disguise of a Gestapo agent, infiltrate and help to destroy the ammunition depot located at the Nazi seaport of Kurtzberg.; Mr. "E", enemy of the underworld, sees the connection in the recent deaths of several "captains of industry", knowing all four were silent partners in the Snead Oil Company, but unaware at the same time that his old enemy, the Vampire, is behind it all.; Dennis Burton becomes the next member of his family to beconme involved in law enforcement as District Attorney, bent on uncovering the plot behind the recent destruction of passenger trains.