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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Daring Mystery Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Humor, Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1942
Country: United States
British soldier Lt. John Watkins is injured and left behind at the retreat to Dunkirk. When he recovers he is mysteriously stronger, and returns to the battlefield in France as Citizen V to rally the conquered peoples to strike back at the Nazis. The "V" symbols he leaves everywhere soon begin to drive the enemy crazy.; The Fin discovers a Nazi U-boat captained by the Barracuda finishing off the destruction of a freighter. He boards the sub, fights the Barracuda, and radios the allied military to pick up the defeated Nazis.; A former radio engineer, who hates all of mankind, turns killer and devises a clever trap using Morse Code to kill people at random for revenge.; The Silver Scorpion investigates a fake medium who is tricking rich clients into giving him their valuables for "safekeeping".; A hypnotist sneaks his hypnotized "ghosts" into the museum as corpses to drill through the wall to the Federal Reserve Bank. But Dr. Karlin did not realize that the Blue Diamond works out of that very museum!; Hitler, Goebbels, Göring and Von Schalz escaped death in 1942 by freezing themselves in a cave. Now, in 2050 they have revived. The capture and brainwash Captain Daring into leading their armies against the United States!; The Groom, who commits all his crimes in a wedding suit, breaks into the Professor's home to steal Rudy for use in bank robberies.