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Publisher: DC
Title: DCU: Legacies
Page Count: 44
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: December 2010
UPC: 76194127789900811
Country: United States
Paul Lincoln recalls how after the death of Superman, and as his wife Peggy fought cancer, a new, more-violent Batman briefly appeared before being ousted by the original and how soon after that four figures assumed the mantel of the fallen Superman, until the return of the real hero, who stopped the plans of the Cyborg Superman, but not before the destruction of Coast City. The loss of Coast City seemingly drove Hal Jordan insane, causing him to take the power of the Green Lantern Corps, the Guardians, and the Power Battery itself for his own, and to assume the new identity of Parallax.; When Claudia Shane is abducted by other-worldly creatures, she learns of the war fought by the gods of New Genesis, led by the warrior Orion, against Darkseid.