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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: September 2009
Country: United States
In the sweltering Savage Land, Betty and Deadpool try to keep Zombie Deadpool's head out of the hands of Hydra. Ka-Zar and Zabu bring cavemen and a t-rex into the fray to "help out." After a round of confusion and fighting and an additional round of fighting and confusion, DP and Betty escape from the battle ground but are chased by the t-rex who has been zombified after being bitten by Zombie Deadpool. From their orbiting space station, AIM decides that if they can't have Zombie Deadpool's head nobody can have it and they prepare to blow everybody up.