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Publisher: Dell
Title: Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan
Page Count: 52
Genre: Jungle
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1953
Country: United States
Returning to the village of the Stork Men, Tarzan and Dr. MacWhirtle stop to collect some gorobar eggs. MacWhirtle is captured by Terribs but he is rescued by Tarzan when the thipdar egg that he's carrying hatches and the thipdar frightens away the Terribs.; Tarzan accompanies Harvey Norton to the land of the Hokyus in order to free Norton's son, Bruce, from captivity.; Boy, with the help of an elephant herd, dams a river in order to flood a tiger trap and allow the baby elephant trapped in it to swim to safety.; Dan-el and Natonga locate the missing Tavane and are briefly imprisoned and threatened with drowning by Nagopa.