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Publisher: Dell
Title: Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan
Page Count: 52
Genre: Jungle
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1954
Country: United States
Tarzan and Dr. MacWhirtle's plane is forced down by crossbow fire from the village of Karfu. The people of Karfu have long enslaved their neighbors, the Naquis, and enslave Tarzan and MacWhirtle. Tarzan frees them all and they make their way to the Naquis' village.; Tarzan rescues a group of mangani taken by raiders for an animal buyer.; Dombie's sister, Lula, is carried off by a she-mangani. Boy and Dombie trail them and retrieve Lula.; Dan-el and Natongo follow an underground river, hoping that it will lead them out of the extinct volcano.