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Publisher: Warren
Title: Eerie
Page Count: 76
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 2.25 USD
Cover Date: January 1982
Country: United States
"Through the bleary haze of the drug he'd been slipped, Dr. Coven watched the shredded corpses rise from the swamp's muck and join the hag at the altar, surrounding his helpless, doomed wife!"; "The Deep Space Desperados wanted Zud Kamish dead! They'd tried to snuff him a dozen times, with no success! But tonight, Kamish is playing nursemaid to his milktoast son... weaponless!"; "At the Amazon's spoken commond, the eagle soared to the skies, arced, and then swooped to earth, its talons bared, its beak a thrusting point... aimed at the heart of the warrior Haggarth!"; "The Huntress was forced to take hostages to ensure her own freedom! Secretly, she knew shewould never harm innocent people... but her pursuers would be happy to kill them all to take her!"; "He'd gone down in flaming glory in Viet Nam, but death, he found, was temporary! He rose from his grave, rotting and putrescent, to lead an army of the dead against the hated world of the living!"; "Everywhere he looked... demons! Demon cabdrivers, mailmen, waitresses... demons that taunted him, reached for him in the darkness, and beckoned him to join them in eternal damnation!"