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Publisher: Warren
Title: Eerie
Page Count: 100
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 2.75 USD
Cover Date: October 1982
Country: United States
"The heavily bundled figure reached the attic room, and began an unrelieved pounding and beating on the door!"; "Here was a man who looked beyond the grave, and the darkest unkown corners of the mind, into hell itself!"; "When it was already too late, she looked to the branches above... and saw the unearthly creature dropping onto her!"; "For a long time i floated in limbo, distantly conscious of the nightmarish figure in black standing over me!"; Garth paused in his assault as the wind brought a terrible sound... the leathery beat of unearthly wings!; "Drooling and grunting with a fervor more of animals than men, the wildeyed horde advanced menacingly!"; "Not even Brace, until it was too late, guessed the path of horror the ancient sword would cut through the present!"; Colbert's knees buckled as the screaming horror from the shadows slashed and clawed at his body!; "Deeper and deeper he plunged into the dark domain, pleading for it to end... until, to his sudden regret, it did!"; "The killer had it all figured out! After plastic surgery, no one could possiby hope to identify him as the murderer!"