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Publisher: AC
Title: FemForce
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.95 USD
Cover Date: January 1995
Country: United States
"While Synn is trapped on Dark Dhagor at the mercy of Vivarna, gang war rages in Miami. The struggle turns personal as Ms. V. squares off against Rad- shocked by the savagery of her attack. As the Sentinels try to deal with protecting bystanders and Paragon attempts to reason with The Scarlet Scorpion, Iron Jaw slips away. But, fear not- Reddevil, Crimebuster and Squeeks are hot on his trail. During a quiet respite after the day's battle, Joan Wayne 's thoughts turn to the loss of loved ones close to her. Paragon offers to try to help her build a new personal side to her life, and a budding romance blooms." from www.accomics.com; Iron Jaw manages to make Reddevil's jet crash in the Monkey Jungle Wildlife Habitat. He knocks out Reddevil and is poised to kill Crimebuster with a chunk of cement.