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Publisher: Antarctic Press
Title: Furrlough
Page Count: 32
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99
Cover Date: April 2024
UPC: 61072106031519411
Country: United States
CLASH OF ANIMAL DEITIES AND FALLEN ANGELS! COMICS' LONGEST-RUNNING ANTHROPOMORPHIC TITLE! 30+ (HUMAN) YEARS AND STILL GOING STRONG! 'Blinth' (Jason Dubes, Noel Serrato), 'The Chosen One' (Charles Brubaker) The kid gloves are off as Antarctic's anthro' action title has returned to the roost! 'Blinth' (Jason Dubes, Noel Serrato): The fallen angels have rebelled and now look to their lord Lucifer for guidance,. However, the cat goddess Bast and the dark lord Anubis withhold information from their leader, something that will give rise to a potential new deity. 'The Chosen One' (Charles Brubaker): Fox boy Dewey DeSmall is tasked by an ostrich to save the day from a great danger. But what can a small librarian's assistant do?