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Publisher: DC
Title: Girls' Romances
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fashion, Humor, Romance
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.15 USD
Cover Date: January 1971
Country: United States
Randy is bored with her boyfriend Chuck so she dumps him when she meets Myles, who takes an immediate interest in her. But when Myles turns out to be married, Chuck is still waiting to take her back.; Freshman Sandy is ecstatic when senior Allan takes an interest in her, but her friends all warn her about his reputation as a lady-killer. Sure enough, he soon breaks up with her, claiming to be engaged to a girl at another college, but then he returns and admits he lied, and that he's really in love with Sandy this time.; A guy meets a girl on the beach and they share a romantic moment, but she runs away. Unable to forget her, he tracks her down again and she admits that she was engaged, but broke it off after she met him and hoped to find him again.; Betty models several new outfits for two customers, but she mistakes which one is really doing the shopping.