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Publisher: DC
Title: Green Lantern
Page Count: 40
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99
Cover Date: May 2023
UPC: 76194138023000111
Country: United States
Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earthand its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. From the visionary team of Jeremy Adams and Xermanico (who brought you the epic Flashpoint Beyond) comes a tale of redemption, loss, and finding out that maybe...just maybe...you can go home again. At least if you're willing to hot-wire a power ring to do it. Also featuring part one of John Stewart: War Journal from writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson and artist Montos!