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Publisher: DC
Title: Green Lantern
Page Count: 44
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.25 USD; 3.75 CAD
Cover Date: October 2002
UPC: 76194120027915511
Country: United States
Following Green Lantern's aggressive apprehension of Terry's assailants, he asks Flash to help him go back in time and stop the attack. Kyle receives lectures from Flash, Batman and Spectre as to what a hero can and cannot do. Terry wakes up from his coma but cannot remember what happened to him. As a result of the ugly homophobic attack on Terry and the evil Kyle sensed in the hearts of mankind when he was Ion, he decides that he needs some time off from protecting an undeserving humanity and he and Jade leave for space, leaving John Stewart to take up the role of Green Lantern once again.