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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Heathcliff
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD; 1.25 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: August 1988
Country: United States
The Jordans' new neighbor is a professor with a mechanical butler named McNutt. The robot, who does almost everything a human does, including eating, samples some of Joey's mother's caramel cookies, which "gum up his works." He goes out of control, becoming obsessed with hats.; Sputzelvanian spies Nickolai and Vladimir mistake Heathcliff for the ambassador from Topsie Turvia and kidnap him, much to their regret.; Iggy brings Heathcliff to school for the "Class Pet Contest." Heathcliff quickly turns the classroom into a disaster.; Heathcliff rolls a bowling ball to break milk bottles on a porch.; Heathcliff applies for a job as a food taster in a cat food factory.