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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Heathcliff
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD; 1.25 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: December 1988
Country: United States
While on a trip to Florida, the Vice Mice get Heathcliff to help them fight King Conch, who commands every shell creature in the ocean.; Heathcliff gets a job as mouse-catcher in the space center. He accidentally gets locked in an experimental space capsule that blasts off to another planet (or the moon. It's not identified.) On the alien world, Heathcliff is captured by a wheeled being and taken for display in a zoo. Heathcliff escapes and, after freeing a cage of wheeled cat-creatures, returns to the space center.; Top Dog builds a robot in the garage. When Joey and Top Dog learn that Charlie will have to close his ice cream shop, due to competitors with gimmicks, they rig the robot as an ice cream server. When the robot server becomes disabled, Top Dog takes over the server duties, with entertaining, if not effective, results.