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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 44
Genre: Horror-suspense, Humor, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1951
Country: United States
Private investigator Carter Blake falls head over heels in love with Jean Brewster. Without knowing anything about her, he's willing to marry her. Checking old newspaper clippings, Blake finds out that his fiancée seems to posess witch-like powers. Three of her former husbands died after her "kiss of death".; Dr. Hunt gets addicted to a formula which transforms him into a brutish beast and commands him to murder his friends. Hunt remains undetected because he changes back to human form just in time.; Doug Martin visits the village of his fiancée Wanda where the townsfolk are hunting a female werewolf. Martin is led to believe that Wanda is the beast but then discovers a plot to drug her into her strange behavior.; A man spends the night in haunted Seabury manor and dies 24 hours later. Just before he was able to develop photographic proof of a ghost living there.; In Paris, Missouri, a woman in black haunted the town for years.; A young man thinks a ghost is following him, but it's only a white ribbon attached to his hat.