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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Detective-mystery, Drama, Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1953
Country: United States
The idol head of Shandu travels from hand to hand, granting the owners one wish. Every wish comes true, but with a curse attached. The only wish without a catch is one for the benefit of mankind.; A magic painter's brush travels from hand to hand, exposing bad people and helping the good ones.; Eli Thornton runs the town's "Animal Theater" with exhibits of wildlife. Mr. Redgrave and Mr. Kirkson threaten to ruin him if he's not able to pay his debts. Thornton upgrades his theater with a wild cat and a genuine werewolf. The werewolf, however, is newspaper reporter Ed Baker. He was killed by Kirkson and Redgrave and framed as a werewolf, because he was about to expose them as frauds.; When actor Dick Mayhew begins to play the part of a famous escape artist for a film did the ghost of the escape artist help him with the stunts?