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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Drama, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1953
Country: United States
The ambitious dancer Darius sabotages the stage and sees to it that two rival colleagues are crippled. Now Darius is the leading man, but goes insane with hallucinations caused by his guilt.; Two men, the American Emmet Carlton and the French Franz Dubois, claim to be the bravest man alive. They meet in Paris for a decisive battle. Each opponent starts pulling pranks to scare the other out of his wits – and thus be announced the winner. In the end they engage in a pistol duel and perish both.; Sam Larkin poisons professor Hartford and hooks the scientist’s brain to a mechanical thinking machine to calculate gambling odds. Larkin wins at roulette and boxing bets. When he takes every last penny to the horse races, he is taught a lesson: Hartford is still alive and rigged all his winnings to ruin his criminal assistant.; Jules Diero kills a man and is led by the talking bird Jabez to a hidden treasure. The jewels, however, are fake and Diero is caught by the police.; A weather balloon is confused with the moon.; Ghost sightings in a cemetery in Georgia.