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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Fantasy, Horror-suspense, Humor, Science Fiction, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1957
Country: United States
Occult researcher Dexter Waring is writing a well-publicized book debunking the supernatural while at the same time running a scam to convince wealthy people that they are endangered by evil mystical forces.; Carl Burk steals legendary Chinese herbs that he believes will bring him great wealth and fame.; Traveling singer Brian O'Reilly discovers a magic stick that seems to help avert several disasters.; A scientist finds a method of shrinking objects and restoring them, but when his assistant is accidentally exposed to it, he continues to shrink and may disappear entirely before he can be restored to normal size.; On an ocean cruise, Roger Duval has been robbing passenger cabins and tries to escape overboard when he is spotted. He climbs aboard a passing ship but finds that its crew are all ghosts, as is he, having died in his escape.